Level Playing Field
Perfect competition is a dream situation where players compete and try hard to excel in efficient and effective utilization of resources, with the right set of technology, processes, and market conditions. New entrants are not likely to be discriminated against because of their size and scale, but are evaluated purely on their ability to perform and garner market share by introducing innovation, either to offer new features or processes that save costs.

Urban Living – Public Vs Personal Transport
In terms of public policy considerations, one question that arises is how the vehicular population...
Nature based solutions
Are solar power and wind mills counted as nature based solutions? Though they use natural...
Urban living – Create and Enrich Lung Space
Clean Air to breathe, taken for granted for decades, has now become a much sought after commodity...
Urban Living – Infuse Intelligence
What is necessary to transform any metropolitan human habitat into an intelligent city? The...
Urban Living – New Perspectives and Practices
If we can acknowledge that sharing resources, and trading currency in smiles are...